NHMRC Centres of Research Excellence 2025
Current Grant Opportunity List
The Current Grant Opportunity List contains all current Grant Opportunities (GOs) open for application. GOs are sorted by default with those closing soonest at the top, and those that are ongoing at the end of the list.
The list sort order can be changed by selecting a different sort option by clicking on the default sort field which displays 'Close Date & Time - Ascending'.
Search Results
Funding to meet unmet aged care needs for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Alice Springs
Ovarian Cancer TRACKFORWARD Project extension
Aged Care Nursing Scholarships Program
Building Women's Careers Program
Diversity in STEM Toolkit
Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity - Financial Wellbeing Hubs
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Support and Prevention Program
2024 NHMRC-CIHR Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA): Indigenous Health Research Grant Opportunity
Green Metals Innovation Network
Diversity in STEM: Australian Diversity in Science Accreditation Framework (ADSAF)
Leaving Violence Program Regional Trials Expansion
Expensive Commonwealth Criminal Cases Fund Community Safety Order Grant Opportunity Guidelines 2024-25
Discovery Projects Expression of Interest for funding commencing in 2026
Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program - Round 11