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Current Grant Opportunity View - GO7452

2025 NAIDOC Local Grants Opportunity

Contact Details

NAIDOC Grants Team




National Indigenous Australians Agency
Close Date & Time:
20-Feb-2025 3:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
251002 - Indigenous Communities
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive

FO Reference:


The NAIDOC Local Grants provide a co-contribution to the cost of activities and events being held around National NAIDOC Week (6 to 13 July 2025) that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, achievements and continuing contributions to our country and Australian society. Activities and events should align with the annual National NAIDOC Week theme The Next Generation: Strength, Vision & Legacy.

This grant opportunity provides funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to contribute to the costs of local and regional NAIDOC Week activities across Australia. 

Non-Indigenous organisations are strongly encouraged to work with their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in planning activities / events.


Both First Nations and non-Indigenous legal entities may apply for NAIDOC Local Grants funding. NIAA will apply the following funding preference priorities:

1. organisations with at least 51% First Nations ownership and at least 51% First Nations control, then

2. organisations with at least 50% First Nations ownership, control or management, then

3. non-First Nations organisations:

a) applying on behalf of a First Nations organisation in a consortium                 arrangement (where the non-First Nations organisation is the lead organisation); then

b) that have not previously received NAIDOC funding; then

c) with a Reconciliation Action Plan.

All applicants must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the 2025 NAIDOC Local Grants Opportunity - Grant Opportunity Guidelines. Applicants seeking a large scale grant of between $10,001and $25,000 will also be assessed against the selection criterion and compared to other applications in the large scale grants stream.

Regardless of the level of funds requested, NIAA will apply the funding preference priorities in the order they are listed to all applications (excluding those from educational and state/territory institutions) until funding is exhausted. If funding is not exhausted based on application of the above priorities, NIAA may consider funding applications from other non-Indigenous organisations. 


NIAA will also consider the indicative allocation of funding within and across NIAA Regions, based on geographic locations and the number and proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

NAIDOC Local Grants funded activities and events should align with the National NAIDOC Week theme and should ideally occur during the scheduled National NAIDOC Week from 6 to 13 July 2025, or sometime during July 2025. Requests to run activities outside this timeframe will be considered on a case-by-case basis. An extension may be provided if there are extenuating circumstances.  

Should you be successful and unforeseen circumstances arise that mean you are unable to complete your activity during the proposed timeframe, you will need to discuss options with the National Indigenous Australians Agency by contacting or your Regional Office.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $0.00 to $25,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

Applications must be submitted by completing the online application form, available online at: 

To access grant documentation, you must create a login for GrantConnect and sign in. Signing in and adjusting personal settings also means you will be notified about any changes to the documents or the grant opportunity. 

You will receive an electronic Application Submission ID Number once your application has been lodged with the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

Other Instructions:

Before lodging an application, you must read and understand the 2025 NAIDOC Local Grants Opportunity - Grant Opportunity Guidelines, taking note of the requirements to address risks associated with the spread of COVID. You should also read and understand the Application Form.  

You may also want to refer to the Applicants Guide which provide tips and hints as well as frequently requested information about the grant opportunity and the application form. 

Contact Details

NAIDOC Grants Team


