Forecast Opportunity View - P5604
Dementia and Aged Care Services (DACS) Fund: Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA)
This grant opportunity is being funded through the Dementia and Aged Care Services (DACS) Fund. The DACS Fund is designed to support activities that respond to existing and emerging challenges including dementia care, better support services targeting people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds and support special measures for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The DACS Fund may also support activities that assist the Commonwealth in informing itself about aged care.
The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide ARIIA with Commonwealth funding to maintain and enhance their research and innovation initiatives as they progress towards self-sustainability.
The objectives of the grant opportunity are to manage activities which contribute to empowering the aged care sector with evidence-based skills, capability and capacity; support translational workforce-related research activities and projects; establish an Aged Care Sector Innovation Network and Community of Practice; and establish an Elders Fund which will directly aim to support large, scalable and multi-site projects tackling key issues across the sector.
This Forecast Opportunity provides information relating to a possible upcoming grant opportunity, likely to be available during the below Estimated Period of Release. Any details relating to this Forecast Opportunity may change with the published Grant Opportunity.
DRAFT Grant Opportunity Guidelines
DRAFT P5604 - Dementia and Aged Care Services - DACS - Fund Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation - Grant Opportunity Guidelines.pdf 440 KB
DRAFT Manual Application Form
DRAFT P5604 - Dementia and Aged Care Services - DACS - Fund Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation - Manual Application Form.pdf 352 KB
Attachment Pack
DRAFT P5604 - Dementia and Aged Care Services -DACS - Fund Aged Care Industry and Innovation Australia - Attachment Pack.XLSX 36 KB