Different time zones across Australia
The closing time for GO is 27-05-2022 05:00:00PM (ACT Local Time).
The ACT time is equivalent to the following times in each location:
State | Time | Date |
State: Australian Capital Territory | Time: 05:00:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: New South Wales | Time: 05:00:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: Northern Territory | Time: 04:30:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: Queensland | Time: 05:00:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: South Australia | Time: 04:30:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: Tasmania | Time: 05:00:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: Victoria | Time: 05:00:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |
State: Western Australia | Time: 03:00:00PM | Date: 27-May-22 |