Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5734
Disability Youth Leadership
The Australian Government is inviting applications via a restricted process to apply to deliver services under the Department of Social Services’ Program 3.1: Disability and Carers.
The Disability Youth Leadership grant opportunity is to establish a leadership network to support young people with disability in their career and aspirations of leadership positions. The leadership network will be developed in consultation with young people (aged 15 to 24 years) with disability and in partnership with business to increase opportunities for professional growth and development and employment outcomes.
The development of the leadership network aims to facilitate linkages between skilled and talented young people with disability and employers. To drive change, the leadership network should work with both business and young people, rather than be a program that works on improving skills in isolation to opening up opportunities.
The grant opportunity will run from January 2023 to June 2024, to link skilled, young people with disability to employers; and to develop their leadership capability and progress their career aspirations. A project review report is to be provided in August 2025.
To be eligible to receive a grant, you must be one of the organisations listed in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and have received an invitation to apply through GrantConnect.
By invitation only.