Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5899
MRFF 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure Grant Opportunity
The 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure initiative invests in research infrastructure to ensure Australian researchers find innovative solutions to complex health problems in areas of unmet medical need. This grant opportunity has four streams:
Stream 1 – Innovation enablers
Addresses an area of unmet medical need by promoting the development and implementation of new research methodologies or applications including omics’-led approaches and enhanced infrastructure linkage strategies.
Stream 2 – Digitisation of health care
Translates or implements innovative artificial intelligence technologies into health applications that:
- benefit multiple health disciplines/areas
- involve consumers in the research journey to ensure the research is applicable to the needs of the Australian community; and
- increase artificial intelligence workforce capacity and capability, particularly in relation to health, through cross-sector and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Stream 3 – Co-investment partnerships
Utilising co-investment (cash only) with the research sector, state and/or territory governments, and industry, in significant critical research infrastructure (e.g. facilities, personnel and equipment):
- to support development of research capacity, capability and/or effectiveness in an area of unmet medical need, or
- to enable Australian research using new platforms, systems and services in an area of unmet medical need.
Stream 4 – mRNA technology enablers
Leverage and enhance emerging mRNA technologies, platforms, and/or equipment to accelerate development of mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics in an area of unmet medical need.
An application may only be submitted to one of the above four Streams only. An organisation may submit more than one application as long as it is unique - an applicant cannot submit the same project twice. Applicants must specify the Stream to which they are applying in their application.
You can apply if you:
- have an Australian business number (ABN)
- are incorporated in Australia
and in accordance with s24 of the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015, be one of the following entities:
- a medical research institute
- a university
- a corporate Commonwealth entity
- a corporation (including businesses and not for profits).
You can’t apply if you are:
- an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
- an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
- an individual
- partnership
- unincorporated association
- trust (however, an incorporated trustee may apply on behalf of a trust)
- a non-corporate Commonwealth entity
- any organisation not listed in the eligible entity list.
Partner with other organisations
Joint applications are encouraged.
You can partner with one or more other organisations but you must decide who the lead organisation is.
Stream 3 applications must be from a consortia (including the applicant):
- of at least one academic organisation and at least one other organisation which may be industry or state/territory government
- with combined cash contributions of at least 34% of the total eligible project costs.
The lead organisation must fill out the application form.
If we give your group the grant, the lead organisation:
- signs the grant agreement
- receives grant payments
- is responsible for making sure your group follows all requirements in the grant agreement, including all reporting requirements.
The eligibility rules are in the grant opportunity guidelines.
To apply, go to: provides information and advice to customers via a range of channels including phone (13 28 46), email and web chat. Contact us for assistance.