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Current Grant Opportunity View - GO5658

Community Child Care Fund Restricted (CCCFR) non-competitive grant opportunity (for specified services)

Contact Details

CCCFR Expansion Team


Department of Education
Close Date & Time:
30-Jun-2025 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
251003 - Indigenous Education
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Closed Non-Competitive


The Australian Government has announced a package of early childhood measures as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to achieving Closing the Gap targets. The department will be working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies, communities and services to expand the CCCFR program.

The funding announced to expand the CCCFR program will include the establishment of up to 20 new early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in mainly remote communities. Additional funding of $29.9 million over 4 years has been allocated for this expansion, on top of approximately $55 million per annum expended in the existing CCCFR program.

Identification of new CCCFR sites will be informed by data on service gaps and in consultation with peak bodies, State and Territory governments and other key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders. The expanded program aims to support eligible ECEC services build capacity and operate sustainably under the childcare system and increase participation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in culturally appropriate ECEC.

Funding allocation will be determined through a select grant application process which commenced in 2022.


To be eligible to apply for a grant, a provider must be one of the organisations identified through the community consultation process and have been invited to apply by the department.

Grant Activity Timeframe:
  • Assessment of applications – Commencing following grant application submission date
  • Approval of outcomes of selection process – 4 weeks from date of assessment of applications
  • Negotiations and award of grant agreements – 1 to 3 weeks from date of approval of outcomes
  • Notification to unsuccessful applicants – 2 weeks from date of approval of outcomes
  • Earliest start date of grant activity – Subject to individual grant agreement
  • End date of grant activity or agreement – Subject to individual agreements.
Instructions for Application Submission:

By invitation only. 

Other Instructions:

Please note:

The closing date has been extended to Sunday 30 June 2024, please use the following updated grant opportunity document

  • Grant Opportunity Guidelines - version 5
Addenda Available:

Contact Details

CCCFR Expansion Team
