Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO3396
Community Languages Multicultural Grants Stream One
The Australian Government is inviting applications through a demand driven process to apply under the Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program: Community Languages Multicultural Grants Stream One in 2019-20 and 2020-21.
The objective of the grant opportunity is to support the administration of community language schools through the provision of funding based on student enrolment numbers to help cover school operating costs.
The Community Language Multicultural Grants aims to:
Support the maintenance, development and acquisition of languages other than English.
Connect young Australians to the languages and cultures of their community.
- Enhance cross-cultural awareness and respect for cultural diversity.
The Australian Government announced $10 million over 2 years for the Community Languages Multicultural Grants. Stream One funding will include a base payment of $1,500 plus a per capita amount based on student enrolment numbers, capped at a maximum of $30,000 per school.
To be eligible you must be a not-for-profit community language school that is legally registered in Australia.
For the purpose of this grant opportunity, a community language is defined as a language other than English that is used on a day-to-day basis by members of cultural/linguistic groups residing in Australia.
For the purpose of this grant opportunity, a community languages school is defined as a not-for-profit community organisation that holds community language classes outside of school hours with a minimum of two hours per week of instructor led language tuition for at least 35 weeks of the year using a teaching program.
You must be one of the following legal entities to apply:
Indigenous Corporation
Incorporated Association
Statutory Entity
Trustee on behalf of a Trust
As a not-for-profit organisation, you may be asked to demonstrate your not-for-profit status through one of the following:
State or Territory incorporated association registration number or certificate of incorporation, e.g. clubs and other associations.
- Current Australian Charities and Not for profits Commission’s (ACNC) registration, e.g. for organisations registered as a charity.
You must also have the following requirements in place before you apply for this grant opportunity:
An Australian Business Number (ABN).
An account with an Australian financial institution.
To apply go to the application form here.