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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6693

Advice, advocacy and support services for working women - National body to facilitate coordination of services and advoc

Contact Details

Elizabeth Baker

02 6121 7669


Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Close Date & Time:
10-May-2024 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
331005 - Women
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


The Advice, advocacy and support services for working women grant program (the program) will run over 5 financial years from 2023-24 to 2027-28. The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide funding to an organisation to lead a national body to facilitate coordination and collaboration of working women’s centres across Australia.

The program contributes to the achievement of the ‘Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Program 3.1: Workplace Support’, which is part of ‘Outcome 3: Facilitate jobs growth, including secure work, through policies and programs that promote fair, productive and safe workplaces’.

The program is part of the Australian Government’s response to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces Report (Respect@Work Report). This program implements recommendation 49 of the Respect@Work Report, which is that:

Australian governments provide increased and recurrent funding to working women’s centres to provide information, advice and assistance to vulnerable workers who experience sexual harassment, taking into account particular needs of workers facing intersectional discrimination. Australian governments should consider establishing or re-establishing working women’s centres in jurisdictions where they do not currently exist.

Working women’s centres are not-for-profit organisations that provide free information, advocacy, advice, and assistance to women on workplace issues, including workplace entitlements and rights, gender issues, cultural diversity, discrimination and sexual harassment.

The national body will lead advocacy and industry initiatives to prevent workplace sexual harassment. It will also lead research and analysis on systemic issues affecting working women and contribute to policy debates about working women’s rights and entitlements.


To be eligible to receive this grant, you must:

- be an existing not-for-profit organisation (established prior to 1 January 2023), and

- have received an invitation to apply through GrantConnect.

Invitations will be sent to the following groups:

- successful applicants from the grant round GO6691 (the closed non-competitive grant round to provide funding to the existing working women’s centres)

- successful applicants from the grant round GO6692 (the open competitive grant round to support the establishment of, and funding for, new working women’s centres in jurisdictions where they do not currently exist), and

- Federal, state and territory peak trade unions, advocacy groups with active programs supporting working women, women’s sector organisations actively involved in shaping women’s policy and women’s legal assistance peak bodies. 

Eligibility is limited to the above organisations as significant experience in the women’s policy, advocacy and legal assistance space is required to perform as an effective national body. 

Applications from consortia are acceptable, as long as a lead applicant is put in place. A lead applicant, discussed further below, will be solely accountable to the Commonwealth for the delivery of grant activities and must be eligible per the eligibility requirements in these guidelines.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

05/2024 – 30/06/2028

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

download and complete the application form available through GrantConnect

provide all the information requested

address all eligibility criteria and assessment criteria

provide the completed Finanical and Credentials Information Form located with the Grant Opportunity Documents

include all necessary attachments

email your application to the department via 

Other Instructions:

See guidelines 

Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Elizabeth Baker

02 6121 7669
