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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5781

Biosecurity Business Grants – Round 2

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283



Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Close Date & Time:
14-Nov-2022 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
251004 - Indigenous Employment and Business
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


The Australian Government is inviting applications from Indigenous businesses, Indigenous organisations or other organisations supporting Indigenous business, to apply for a grant under Round 2 of the Biosecurity Business Grants program.

The Biosecurity Business Grants program is running over 3 years from 2020–21 to 2022–23 and delivered through the Indigenous Rangers Biosecurity Program.

The purpose of the grant program is to provide funding to support Indigenous business opportunities relating to biosecurity activities in northern Australia.

Biosecurity activities are controls or actions that minimise the risk of exotic pests, weeds and diseases entering Australia to protect our $80 billion agriculture export industries, our unique environment, cultural and heritage values, our tourism industries and our way of life including biosecurity:

  • surveillance/monitoring
  • preparedness
  • risk management
  • capability building.

The total grant funding available for Round 2 is up to $1.299 million GST exclusive. Round 2 will be offered in the 2022–23 financial year. There is no maximum grant amount but grants cannot exceed the amount of available funds.

Applicants who applied in Round 1, may also apply in Round 2.

Please note that GST is out-of-scope for any funding provided for this grant opportunity.


To be eligible applicants must be a legal entity and have full legal capacity to enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth.

Applicants must be one of the following:

  • an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person or an Indigenous organisation
  • another legal entity (such as a not for profit organisation, registered charity or publicly funded research organisation) working with Indigenous people to deliver economic/business opportunities to Indigenous people, demonstrated by providing evidence of:
    • past experience working with Indigenous people
    • consultation with and support from relevant Indigenous organisations or communities.

An ‘Indigenous organisation’ includes:

You must attach to your application detailed evidence of your eligibility in accordance with the requirements of this section.

Applications from consortia are eligible, as long as you have a lead applicant who is solely accountable to the Commonwealth for the delivery of grant activities and who is an eligible entity as per the list above. Eligible organisations can form a consortium with ineligible organisations. The selection panel may suggest that as part of the approval 2 or more organisations form a consortia.


Grant Activity Timeframe:


Assessment of applications–Approximately 4 weeks

Approval of outcomes of selection process–Approximately 3 to 4 weeks

Negotiations and award of grant agreements–Approximately 4 weeks

Notification to unsuccessful applicants–2 weeks after the end of the assessment period

Earliest start date of grant activity–Around 13 April 2023

Instructions for Application Submission:

To apply, you must:

  • complete the online application form, please see 'Submit Application'
  • provide all the information requested
  • address all eligibility criteria and assessment criteria
  • include all necessary attachments - maximum of 5 attachments; no more than 2MB each attachment
  • submit your application/s on GrantConnect by 9:00 pm AEDT on Monday 14 November 2022.
Other Instructions:
  • Assessment of applications – approximately 4 weeks 
  • Approval of outcomes of selection process – approximately 3 to 4 weeks
  • Negotiations and award of grant agreements – approximately 4 weeks
  • Earliest start date of grant activity – around 13 April 2023

Please use latest version:

GO5781 - Grant Opportunity Guidelines version 2 - 26 October 2022


Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

