Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5804
Maintaining Our Supply of Diesel Exhaust Fluid Program
The Maintaining Our Supply of Diesel Exhaust Fluid Program is part of a comprehensive investment to enhance resilience of the domestic Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) market.
The objectives of the competitive grants program are:
- to support sovereign capability in manufacturing to produce TGU for the domestic DEF market in the period 2023 to mid-2026
- produce TGU that is compliant with the ISO 22241 specification for the production of DEF, or as certified by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for use as a DEF.
Learn more about the policy that supports this program.
You can apply if you:
- have an Australian business number (ABN)
- are registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST).
You must also be one of the following entities:
- an entity incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation, where your trading activities:
- form a sufficiently significant proportion of the corporation’s overall activities as to merit it being described as a trading corporation; or
- are a substantial and not merely peripheral activity of the corporation
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust, where your trading activities:
- form a sufficiently significant proportion of the corporation’s overall activities as to merit it being described as a trading corporation; or
- are a substantial and not merely peripheral activity of the corporation.
You can’t apply if you:
- an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
- an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
- income tax exempt
- an individual
- partnership
- a Regional Development Australia Committee
- unincorporated association
- trust (however, an incorporated trustee may apply on behalf of a trust)
- a Commonwealth, State, Territory or local government body (including government business enterprises)
- a non-corporate Commonwealth entity.
Further eligibility information is in the grant opportunity guidelines.
To apply, go to: provides information and advice to customers via a range of channels including phone (13 28 46), email and web chat. Contact us for assistance.