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Closed Grant Opportunity View - GO7089

Mobile Black Spot Program - Improving Mobile Coverage Round (IMCR) Stage 2

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Close Date & Time:
25-Sep-2024 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
271001 - Broadcasting and Telecommunications
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


The Mobile Black Spot Program Improving Mobile Coverage Round (IMCR) Stage 2 provides up to $3.047 million in grant funding for Mobile Network Operators and Infrastructure Providers to deliver New Handheld Coverage to the two (2) Target Locations of Majors Creek, NSW and Mangrove Mountain, NSW.

Stage 2 is funded from uncommitted IMCR funding and delivers on the Government’s election commitments to deliver improved mobile coverage and quality of service at Target Locations across Australia. The IMCR was funded in the October 2022-23 Federal Budget, with Stage 2 following the successful IMCR outcomes announced for 42 Target Locations in October 2023.

Stage 2 will provide grant funding to Mobile Network Operators and Infrastructure Providers to deploy new mobile phone infrastructure to address mobile reception and coverage issues in these Target Locations.

Funded solutions will be selected through targeted assessment criteria and address local mobile connectivity issues in each Target Location.

Improved mobile coverage and quality of service through the IMCR will help keep people connected, improve safety and support businesses so that nobody is held back or left behind from a lack of mobile connectivity.


To be eligible for funding under IMCR Stage 2, an applicant must be a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) or a Mobile Network Infrastructure Provider (MNIP), that has signed a non-disclosure agreement and (where relevant) has supplied the required network information in accordance with the Grant Guidelines.

A MNO means a company, other than a Mobile Network Infrastructure Provider, that supplies a public mobile telecommunications service within the meaning of the Telecommunications Act 1997; and holds an apparatus or a spectrum licence (or both) for the supply of public mobile telecommunications services under the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

A MNIP means a company, other than a MNO, that provides communications infrastructure in Australia or overseas, including the installation and operation of infrastructure to be used by one or more MNOs to provide public mobile telecommunications services.

MNIP applications must be accompanied by written evidence of intent from at least one MNO to enter into a commercially binding commitment to use the infrastructure to deliver mobile services as described at section 4.1 of the Grant Guidelines for the Operational Period of the Proposed Solution. A grant may be awarded to eligible MNIPs on the condition that the MNIP and relevant MNO enter into a binding commercial commitment prior to the finalisation of the Grant Agreement.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Stage 1 – Release of the Guidelines and call for applications commences 31 July 2024.

Stage 2 – Potential applicants need to register their interest by 28 August 2024, and provide pre-application documentation, in accordance with section 7.2 and 7.3 of the Guidelines.

Stage 3 – Applications are due by 25 September 2024.

Stage 4 – Applications are assessed between September and November 2024.

Stage 5 – Grantees advised of outcomes and locations announced November 2024.

Stage 6 – Negotiation of Grant Agreements will occur from November 2024.

Stage 7 – Grantees will notify other mobile network operators of the ability to negotiate co-location arrangements from December 2024.

Stage 8 – Rollout completion is expected by 30 June 2027.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $0.00 to $3,047,510.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

Applicants must register interest with the Department (Guidelines Section 7.2) and sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before gaining access to the Application Pack.

Where applicable, each applicant must submit geospatial data of their existing coverage maps ahead of submitting their application for funding (refer section 7.3 of the Guidelines).

This information must be submitted by 5pm AEST 28 August 2024.

Final applications must be submitted by 5pm AEST 25 September 2024.

Other Instructions:

To increase the reach of the Program, applicants are encouraged to seek financial co-contributions from state, territory or local governments, local communities and/or other third parties.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with state, territory and local governments, and local communities regarding the locations for which they intend to build Proposed Solutions.

Addenda Available: