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Current Grant Opportunity View - GO6975

Australia-France Indo-Pacific Studies Program (AFIPSP)

Contact Details

Western Europe Branch


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Close Date & Time:
5-Jul-2024 11:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
381002 - Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Research
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive


The AFIPSP is a new initiative under the Australia-France Roadmap, which was announced in December 2023. The Roadmap establishes a new and ambitious chapter in the bilateral relationship. Its three pillars – Defence and Security, Resilience and Climate Action, Education and Culture – advance our national and international interests.

This open competitive grant opportunity (up to $896,000 over three financial years from 2024-25 to 2026-27) will allow DFAT to select a provider to deliver the AFIPSP. The successful applicant (an Australian university or think tank) will be required to enter into a grant agreement and participate in monitoring and evaluation requirements, including quarterly updates and End of Financial Year Reports to DFAT.

The objectives of the AFIPSP are to:  
* strengthen Australia-France strategic policy engagement
* facilitate deeper links between French, Australian, and Indo-Pacific scholars, students, and policy makers
* develop high quality strategic research and distinctive perspectives on trends in the Indo-Pacific shaping the region and the globe, and draw insights with tangible value for Australian policymakers, scholars, and the public
* promote greater shared understanding of Pacific issues and the main challenges of the region, including climate change and environmental issues.

The intended outcomes/deliverables of the AFIPSP are:
* Track 1.5 (officials and academics) and Track 2 (academics/think-tanks) strategic dialogues, bilaterally and potentially with additional partner countries and institutions (including financial support for academics, policy practitioners and thought leaders attending);
* A visiting fellows program (including financial support for academics, policy practitioners and thought leaders attending);
* Joint academic projects and exchanges funded through Indo-Pacific Strategic Environment Academic Grants;  
* Joint academic projects and exchanges funded through Pacific Social Sciences Academic Grants.


To be eligible for this grant, you must:
* have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
* be registered for the purposes of GST
* have an account with an Australian financial institution, and
* be an Australian university, or an Australian think tank.   

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $896,000.00 to $896,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

Complete the online grant opportunity application form on GrantConnect and submit your application pack to by 11.30 PM AEST on Friday 5 July 2024. Your application must provide all the information requested, address all eligibility and assessment criteria, and include all necessary attachments. Submission requirements are fully described in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines under “How to Apply”. 

Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Western Europe Branch
