Current Grant Opportunity View - GO7443
Network Investment Program (NIP) Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) Track Network Upgrade Grant Guidelines
This grant opportunity will provide Australian Government grant funding of up to $540 million for the Australian Rail Track Corporation’s (ARTC) Network Investment Program (NIP). The purpose of the NIP is to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of the interstate rail freight network owned or leased and managed by ARTC and to contribute to improvements to the National Land Transport Network (NLTN).
Applications can only be made by the Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd (ARTC) (ABN 75 081 455 754).
Projects must address one or more of the following focus areas:
- Efficiency
- Resilience
- Reliability
- Safety
- Improvements to the National Land Transport Network
Projects must be eligible for approval as an Investment Project under section 10 of the National Land Transport Act 2014 and must be delivered in any of the following locations
- Between Tarcoola and Crystal Brook in South Australia, Tarcoola South Australia to Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and between Albury and Sydney in New South Wales;
- Between Tarcoola South Australia and Kalgoorlie in Western Australia;
- Between Albury and Sydney in New South Wales;
- On the Maroona and Portland Line in Victoria, and
- Any other location providing similar or greater benefits following consultation with the Department and as agreed by the Minister.
From $540,000,000.00 to $540,000,000.00
To apply for this opportunity please submit your application via email to