Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO7121
2024-25 AN-ACC Transition Fund
The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide targeted temporary support from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2025 for a small number of residential aged care services with specific characteristics that do not align with existing Base Care Tariff (BCT) categories under the current AN-ACC funding model, specifically:
- services in isolated Modified Monash Model (MMM) 3-4 locations that are receiving standard MMM 1-4 BCT funding but experience higher care costs compared with other MMM1-4 services due to their isolated location, such as a MMM 3 classified town located in an otherwise MMM 6 area.
- services with high occupancy (30 or more beds) in MMM 6-7 locations (BCT funding drops to below that of MMM 5 services for beds 30 and above).
- services in MMM 1-4 locations with at least 50% Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander residents and experience higher costs compared with other MMM 1-4 services.
The grant opportunity will be undertaken in the 2024-25 financial year, and it is anticipated that successful applicants will be notified from late September 2024 with funding expected to commence from October 2024 and paid quarterly in arrears.
To view the grant opportunity documents, please select the red "Grant Opportunity Documents" button on the left-hand side.
Providers will be invited to apply for the grant opportunity based on three specified categories of eligibility:
- Isolated services in MMM3-4 - MMM3-4 services in enclaves identified in section 4.1.1, Table 3 (Eligible MMM3-4 Locations under Category 1) of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.
- MMM6-7 services with 30 or more beds and high occupancy - Services in MMM6-7 classified locations with 30 or more beds and occupancy* of 80% or more.
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander services in MMM1-4 - Services in MMM1-4 classified locations with at least 50% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents (according to resident pre-entry Aged Care Assessment Team records held by the department).
* Occupancy will be initially based on the average claim days recorded for each service within the AN-ACC funding period of 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 (including occupied respite beds) and then reviewed quarterly within the grant period.
From $1,500.00 to $500,000.00
Submit the completed application form and all necessary attachments by the closing date and time via the red Submit Application button on the left-hand side.
You should keep a copy of your application and any supporting documents. Registered users will receive an automated email notification acknowledging the receipt of the submission. If you do not receive an automated email notification within 48 hours of submission, please email
For technical assistance when submitting your application through GrantConnect please contact the GrantConnect Helpdesk:
- Phone: 1300 484 145
- Email:
Applicant/s should follow the below instructions to upload their application:
- Filename(s) do not exceed 100 characters.
- Any file type can be submitted to GrantConnect.
- Refrain from using special characters. These include, but are not limited to, colon, forward and back slash, question marks, en and em dash.
- A maximum of five (5) separate files can be submitted at one time.
- Do not include macros or password protect applications or attachments.