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Closed Grant Opportunity View - GO7048

Industry Growth Program: Industry Partner Organisation Stage 2

Contact Details

13 28 46



Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Close Date & Time:
25-Sep-2024 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
111002 - Business Development
Publish Date:
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Administered Territories
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


This is an extension of the Industry Partner Organisation (IPO) grant opportunity to complement the current needs of the Industry Growth Program’s Advisory Services. The IPO grant opportunity is for not-for-profit organisations to provide specialised sectoral advice and expertise to startups and innovative and small and medium enterprises participating in the Industry Growth Program to help them to commercialise and grow. This grant opportunity has been developed with consideration to the need for enhancing the sectorial knowledge and expertise in the advanced manufacturing sector to complement Industry Growth Program Advisory Service demand. The grant will address a need for horizontal support on advanced manufacturing across National Reconstruction Fund priority areas. 

This grant opportunity has re-opened to previous applicants of the IPO grant opportunity that were unsuccessful in receiving an IPO grant. All eligible applicants have been emailed invitations to submit a Stage Two application against more targeted Grant Opportunity Guidelines.  


Eligible applicants will be invited to apply.

Instructions for Application Submission:

Only organisations that have been invited to submit an application for the reopened Stage 2 may apply.

Contact Details

13 28 46

