Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5084
Off-farm Efficiency Grants Program
The Off-farm Efficiency Grants Program provides owners or operators of water delivery infrastructure in the Murray-Darling Basin up to $150 million in funding to help achieve a sustainable future for the Murray-Darling Basin, its people, industries and the environment.
This grant opportunity is part of the broader $1.54 billion Off-Farm Efficiency Program designed to recover water for the environment.
We encourage you to read the information about the broader program, and this grant opportunity, to help you decide which funding opportunity is right for your project.
You can apply if you meet the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria are a set of rules that describe who we can consider for this grant. You can apply if you:
- are an eligible entity
- have an eligible project
- have eligible expenditure.
The rules are in the grant opportunity guidelines.
Eligible entities
You can apply if you have an Australian business number (ABN) and are one of the following entities:
- an entity incorporated in Australia
- a company limited by guarantee
- an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust
- an incorporated association.
You can’t apply if you are:
- an organisation operating an irrigation enterprise as a single unit (i.e. an irrigator)
- an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme - external site
- an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied - external site with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012).
You can partner with one or more other organisations. But you must decide who the lead organisation is.
The lead organisation must fill out the application form.
If we give your group the grant, the lead organisation:
- signs the grant agreement
- is responsible for making sure your group follows the rules in the grant agreement.
Eligible projects
You must complete your project by 31 March 2024.
Your project must:
- be located in a catchment in the Murray-Darling Basin as outlined in section 5.2 of the grant opportunity guidelines
- meet the criteria outlined in section 5.1 of the grant opportunity guidelines.
From $50,000.00 to $150,000,000.00
To apply, go to provides information and advice to customers via a range of channels including phone (13 28 46), email and web chat. Contact us for assistance