Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO3393
Volunteer Grants Activity – 2019-20 Volunteer Grants
The Australian Government is inviting organisations via a closed non-competitive process to apply for a Volunteer Grant under the Families and Communities Program – Volunteer Grants Activity in 2019-2020.
The Volunteer Grants Activity is an element of the Families and Communities Program. The Families and Communities Program aims to strengthen relationships, support families, improve well?being of children and young people, reduce the cost of family breakdown and strengthen family and community functioning.
Volunteer Grants aim to support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers as well as to encourage and increase participation in volunteering. The grants provide small amounts of money that organisations and community groups can use to help their volunteers.
The objectives of Volunteer Grants are to:
1. help community organisations to support the efforts of Australia’s volunteers
2. help community organisations to support the inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering
3. encourage, support and increase participation in volunteering.
The intended outcome of the program is to strengthen community functioning by increasing participation in volunteering.
To be eligible to apply, you must meet the eligibility requirements in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and be nominated to apply by your Local Member of Parliament.
The department will email an application form to organisations who have been nominated by the Federal Member of Parliament in their electorate.
PLEASE NOTE: Over the course of 10 and 11 March 2020, an invitation to apply for the 2019-20 Volunteer Grants was sent to all nominated organisations.
Nominated organisations that have been invited to apply are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.