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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5985

Helping Families Learn and Grow with Playgroups – Toy Libraries

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283


Department of Social Services
Close Date & Time:
2-Feb-2023 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
231006 - Child Health, Development and Wellbeing
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Closed Non-Competitive


The Australian Government is inviting Toy Libraries Australia via a closed non-competitive process to apply to contribute to deliver services under Helping Families Learn and Grow with Playgroups – Toy Libraries under the Children and Parenting Support (CaPS) program of the Families and Children Activity. Funding will be offered from 2022-23 to 2025-26. 

The objective of Helping Families Learn and Grow with Playgroups – Toy Libraries is to:

  • provide funding to upgrade facilities and purchase new materials for toy libraries
  • support the recruitment of development officers to establish new toy libraries across Australia in emerging areas of need, including regional and remote communities
  • expand supports to existing toy libraries.

Toy libraries are an affordable alternative for vulnerable families to obtain developmentally appropriate toys and resources for children. They expose children to a greater variety of toys, games, books, and resources and provide parents/carers with social support during early parenthood.


This grant opportunity is a closed non-competitive grant selection process. 

Only Toy Libraries Australia (ABN 40 557 982 129) is eligible to apply for this grant opportunity. Toy Libraries Australia is the peak body for toy libraries across Australia, supporting 390 toy libraries accessed by over 130,000 people every year.

Toy Libraries Australia is the most suitable organisation to achieve the objectives of the grant due to their specialist knowledge of toy libraries and their work in publicising the role of toy libraries in promoting play, educating children and supporting families.

Section 4 of the Grant Opportunity Gudielines provides additional information.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Assessment of applications - up to 4 weeks

Approval of outcomes of selection process - up to 4 weeks

Negotiations and award of grant agreements - up to 6 weeks

Notification to unsuccessful applicants - 2 weeks

Earliest start date of grant activity - April-May 2023

End date of grant activity - 30 June 2026

Instructions for Application Submission:

By Invitation only.

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283
