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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO4801

Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
Close Date & Time:
13-Jun-2021 12:00 am (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
341000 - Trade and Tourism
Secondary Category:
181000 - Disaster Relief
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Demand Driven


Round Two of the Program will provide a payment to assist travel agents and inbound tour operators and tour wholesalers (tour arrangement service providers, consistent with ANZSIC code 7220) (Eligible Businesses) who have been disproportionately impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The objective of Round Two of the Program is to:

  • Further assist Eligible Businesses who:
    • continue to operate and are solvent;
    • qualified and received a payment under Round One of the Program;
    • did not receive a payment based on TTV under Round One; and
    • continue to trade and meet their legal obligations to process refunds and credits to Australian consumers.

The intended outcomes of Round Two of the Program are to:

  • further assist Australian consumers to receive refunds and credits for travel they were unable to undertake due to the impacts of COVID-19; and
  • further assist Eligible Businesses to continue to trade or recommence trade, where possible.

Services Australia administers Round Two of the Program in partnership with Austrade and the ATO according to the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines (CGRGs).


Businesses must meet all eligibility requirements and have received payment under Round One to be eligible for Round Two of the program, unless an exceptional circumstances decision applies. 

Round Two applicants must also:

  • Sign an e-declaration (as part of the online application form) that:
    • You have been eligible for, and received a Round One payment;
    • Your business’ Round One turnover figure was not based on TTV; and
    • Your business is solvent and intends to continue to operate for the April to June 2021 quarter, (refer to “Declaration of Solvency’ in the Round Two Grant Guidelines); and
    • You will make best endeavours to retain your staff; and to meet your obligations to process refunds and travel credits to Australian consumers.
  • Confirm the information you have provided is complete and correct;
    • If your declaration is false then any overpayment will be recovered.
    • Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code 1995.

Businesses must be able to declare that no part of the turnover figure used to calculate your Round One payment was based on Total Transaction Value (TTV). 

For businesses with a G1 figure of $500,000 or more, an additional financial verification by Austrade will confirm that TTV was not the basis for your Round One payment. 

A Flowchart has been included in the COVID-19 Consumer Travel Support Program Round Two FAQs to assist applicants in determining their eligibility.

Please refer to Round Two Guidelines for full eligibility criteria.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

This grant opportunity will begin accepting claims on 2 May 2021 and applications will continue to be accepted until 11:59 PM (AEST) on 12 June 2021, or until program funds are exhausted, whichever occurs earlier.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $7,500.00 to $100,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

Before applying, you must read and understand the Grant Guidelines.

To apply you must:

  • complete an online application form eligible assessed turnover;
  • be prepared to provide all the information requested by review officers should you be required to verify financials for the purposes of assessment; and
  • submit your application in full before the Round Two closing date and time (that is 11:59 PM (AEDT) on 12 June 2021).

The online application form and further information on how to apply is available from the Services Australia website 

Note: No late lodgement will be accepted for Round Two.

Other Instructions:

Austrade may waive one or more of the eligibility criteria in exceptional circumstances. Applicants wishing to have their case considered under exceptional circumstances should email in the first instance. Exceptional circumstance requests will be reviewed by an authorised Austrade review officer in the order they are received.

Addenda Available: