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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO4681

Festivals Australia

Contact Details

Program Officer

1800 590 577



Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Close Date & Time:
26-Mar-2021 11:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
121006 - Performing Arts
Secondary Category:
141000 - Community Development
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive


Festivals Australia provides funding to support individual art projects at festivals or significant one-off community events, such as a town’s centenary celebration or opening of a major new community resource.

Festivals Australia will:

• provide access to a diverse range of high quality, innovative arts projects that grow audiences at festivals across regional Australia

• support partnerships and collaboration across the arts sector

• encourage community participation in arts projects at regional and remote festivals.

The program delivers two funding rounds each year usually opening in February and September. The Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts (or his delegate) approves funding under the Program Guidelines.

There is no limit to the amount of funding that may be sought, however the average funding request is around $40,000. Only one project, per organisation, per festival will be funded.

Funding is available through annual or multi-year funding agreements subject to available funds. Multi-year funding is only available to support the development and delivery of a single project across financial years.


To be eligible for funding, applicants must: 

• be an Australian incorporated organisation*

• have an active Australian Business Number (ABN)

• be registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST), if required by the Australian Tax Office, and

• not have any outstanding reports, acquittals or serious breaches relating to any Commonwealth funding.

 * Applicants from the Australian external territories, such as Norfolk Island, are eligible to apply.

Unincorporated groups are eligible for funding but must be auspiced by an organisation that meets the above criteria.

Festivals Australia does not fund projects in major cities or metropolitan locations. 

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Funding is available for projects commencing from 1 July 2021.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $5,000.00 to $100,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

For further information on how to apply please go to

Contact Details

Program Officer

1800 590 577

