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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6292

Junior Rangers

Contact Details

NIAA National Office

1800 079 098


National Indigenous Australians Agency
Close Date & Time:
19-Jul-2023 11:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Junior Rangers
Primary Category:
251003 - Indigenous Education
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive

FO Reference:
Junior Rangers


Through the 2022-23 Budget and 2023 Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, the Australian Government is expanding the number of junior ranger sites delivered to First Nations secondary and/or primary students in locations across Australia. Activities will support students to engage with their schooling through a combination of classroom and on-Country learning. 

This open, competitive grant opportunity will select providers to deliver junior ranger activities at up to 35 new sites in 2023 to end 2025. Initial funding agreements will be for up to three (3) years and may be extended. Preference will be given to local First Nations providers, including Indigenous Ranger Groups or First Nations providers with relationships with Indigenous Ranger Groups, where relevant. Applicants should also demonstrate support from Traditional Owners and partner schools to deliver activities. 

Funded activities should boost school attendance and support participating students to complete their schooling. Projects can include school-based activities (as well as camps, excursions and field trips) involving land, sea, and natural resource management, environmental data collection, heritage related projects and cultural studies. Activities can also support students to gain relevant qualifications, such as Conservation and Ecosystem Management (Certificates I, II and III), Maritime Studies and Senior First Aid.



To be eligible to apply for grant funding under the Junior Rangers grant opportunity you must:

* have an Australian Business Number (ABN) (exemptions may apply in special cases)

* where relevant, be registered for the purposes of GST

* if an individual, be a permanent resident of Australia

*have an account, in your name and which you control, with an Australian financial institution

AND be one of the following entity types:

* an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act)

* a company incorporated in Australia under the Corporations Act 2001

* an incorporated association (incorporated under state/territory legislation, commonly have 'Association' or 'Incorporated' or 'Inc' in their legal name) 

* an incorporated cooperative (incorporated under state/territory legislation, commonly have ’Cooperative' in their legal name)

* an organisation established through a specific piece of Commonwealth or state/territory legislation including public benevolent institutions, churches and universities 

* an Australian state or territory government body 

* an Australian local government body

* an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust 

* a partnership

* a joint (consortia) application with a lead organisation that satisfies the entity type 

* an individual with an ABN

In addition you must:

* Have rectified any issues of previous non-compliance with existing NIAA agreements to the satisfaction of the NIAA, or be in the process of rectifying any issues of non-compliance with existing NIAA agreements to the satisfaction of the NIAA.

* Are financially viable to the Agency’s satisfaction. The application form has questions about financial viability. The Agency may undertake its own enquiries in relation to the applicant’s financial viability. 

Grant Activity Timeframe:

The maximum grant period is 3 years.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

You must submit your application form online via : 

You will receive an electronic Application ID Number once your application has been lodged with the Agency. You should keep a copy of your application, Application ID Number and any supporting documents. 

If you find an error in your application after submitting it, you should contact the NIAA Assessment Management Office immediately at

If we find an error or information that is missing, we may ask for clarification or additional information from you that will not change the nature of your application. The Agency can refuse to accept any additional information from you that would change your application after it has been received by the Agency.


Addenda Available:

Contact Details

NIAA National Office

1800 079 098
