Current Grant Opportunity View - GO7386
OurFutures National Vaping Prevention Education
The purpose of this grant opportunity is to roll out a national vaping prevention education program to all year 7 and 8 students over four years (2024-25 to 2027-28). The program will educate students, teachers and schools about the health harms from e-cigarettes/vaping. The program will raise awareness with young people about the health harms of vaping and empower young people to not commence vaping, thereby reducing and preventing nicotine addiction in Australia.
This program is needed as the rates of vaping have increased significantly in recent years particularly among young people. These findings underline the critical need to implement public health initiatives, such as this program, to reduce e-cigarette use and prevent its uptake among adolescents in Australia.
The objectives of the grant opportunity are:
• Rollout a national vaping education program to raise awareness of the harms of vaping to secondary school students in Australia
• Provide evidence-based information, normative education, and resistance skills training using a harm minimisation and comprehensive social influence approach
• Respond to the widespread request from schools for government assistance in tackling this public health issue
• Provide vaping education and interventions that are accessible to all young Australians, with equal opportunities regardless of school resources
To view the grant opportunity documents, please select the red "Grant Opportunity Documents" button on the left-hand side.
To be eligible, you must be one of the listed organisation/s and have received an invitation to apply from the department.
Eligible Organisation:
Legal Name of Organisation: Our Futures Institute Limited
ABN: 24 664 585 040
The listed applicant was determined eligible as the OurFutures Institute. The Our Futures Vaping Education Program was created and established by researchers from The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use at the University of Sydney and implemented in conjunction with the Our Futures Institute. The program is co-designed with educators and students and is the world’s first rigorously evaluated prevention based online vaping module.
Given it is a world first prevention based online vaping program that researchers from the Matilda Centre created and implemented with the Our Futures Institute, the Our Futures Institute have specific insights on the creation, development and rigorous evaluation of the program, which is essential for the longevity and success of the program.
Submit the completed application form and all necessary attachments by the closing date and time via the red Submit Application button on the left-hand side.
You should keep a copy of your application and any supporting documents. Registered users will receive an automated email notification acknowledging the receipt of the submission. If you do not receive an automated email notification within 24 hours of submission, please email
For technical assistance when submitting your application through GrantConnect please contact the GrantConnect Helpdesk:
• Phone: 1300 484 145
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• Filename(s) do not exceed 100 characters.
• Any file type can be submitted to GrantConnect.
• Refrain from using special characters. These include, but are not limited to, colon, forward and back slash, question marks, en and em dash.
• A maximum of five (5) separate files can be submitted at one time.
• Do not include macros or password protect applications or attachments.