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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO4676

Road Safety Innovation Fund – Round 2

Contact Details

Director, Road Safety Programs


Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Close Date & Time:
29-Mar-2021 11:30 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
351003 - Transport
Secondary Category:
381001 - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Research
Publish Date:
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Administered Territories
Selection Process:
Open Competitive


The Road Safety Innovation Fund is designed to contribute to the reduction of road trauma. The $12 million initiative was announced by the Australian Government on 29 March 2019 as a Budget measure to support road safety research and the development of new, innovative road safety technologies and products. The Round 2 Grant Opportunity will be delivered by way of an open competitive round with a total value of $10 million over three financial years.


To be eligible to for a grant you must:

• have an Australian Business Number (ABN)

• be registered for the purposes of GST (unless exempt)

• be a permanent resident of Australia

• have an account with an Australian Financial Institution

•  be located in Australia

and be one of the following entity types:

• a company incorporated in Australia

• a company incorporated by a guarantee

• an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust

• an incorporated association

• a partnership

• a joint (consortia) application with a lead organisation [1]

• a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation

• a publicly funded research organisation

• an Australian local government body

• an Australian state or territory government body 

• an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the  Corporations (Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006

You are not eligible for a grant if you are:

• an individual;

• unincorporated association;

• overseas resident/organisation;

• an organisation not included in the section above.

[1]  The Australian Government recognises that some organisations may seek to form consortia in order to apply for a grant under the Program. Consortia are eligible to apply and the relevant conditions applicable to consortia are at clause 7.2  ‘Joint Applications’

Grant Activity Timeframe:

The Grant activity will commence in April 2021 and close on 30 June 2023

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $20,000.00 to $350,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

You must submit your proposal to by 11.30 PM (Canberra Time), 29 March 2021. 

Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Director, Road Safety Programs
