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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO4576

MRFF 2020 Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant Opportunity

Contact Details

13 28 46



Department of Health and Aged Care
Close Date & Time:
6-May-2021 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
321003 - Scientific Research
Publish Date:
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Administered Territories
Selection Process:
Open Competitive

FO Reference:
MRFF – 2020 Rapid Applied Research Translation


The 2020 Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant Opportunity was announced as part of the Medical Research Future Fund and the Rapid Applied Research Initiative. This initiative is investing in research projects that encourage academic researchers and health service providers to collaborate to improve health care delivery, services and systems sustainability. 

The objective of this grant opportunity is to provide grants of financial assistance to support Australian medical research and medical innovation projects that:

  • use existing knowledge to develop, test and implement new approaches for the translation of research findings into health care and health interventions that have potential for broader applicability;
  • address a clearly defined gap in the implementation of best practice health care and health interventions to improve health outcomes; and
  • involve all stakeholders relevant to the research and its translation in its conceptualisation, design and implementation, including health care consumers and providers.

Two streams of funding are available based on the geographic location of the lead organisation:

  • Stream 1: Organisations based in urban areas (any area according to the Modified Monash Model Locator)
  • Stream 2: Organisations based in rural areas (MM2 or above according to the Modified Monash Model).

Each will be a separate funding stream. For each stream, applications will be funded based on rank until the total funding available for the stream is reached.

An application may be submitted to one of the above two Streams only.

The intended outcome of the research funded by this grant opportunity is to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians by accelerating implementation of research knowledge and outcomes into health care and practice. 


To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be incorporated in Australia

and in accordance with s20 and s24 of the MRFF Act 2015, be one of the following entities:

  • a medical research institute
  • a university 
  • a corporate Commonwealth entity 
  • a corporation (including businesses and not for profits).

Joint applications are encouraged, provided you have a lead organisation who is the main driver of the project and is eligible to apply. 

We can only accept applications where you can provide:

  • evidence from your board (or chief executive officer or equivalent if there is no board) that the project is supported, and that you can complete the project and meet the costs of the project not covered by grant funding
  • letters of support from each project partner, where applicable.
Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $250,000.00 to $10,000,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:
Other Instructions: provides information and advice to customers via a range of channels including phone (13 28 46), email and web chat. Contact us for assistance.

Contact Details

13 28 46

