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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO4670

Tourism Grants for Indigenous Business

National Indigenous Australians Agency
Close Date & Time:
7-Apr-2021 12:00 am (ACT Local Time)
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Internal Reference ID:
Tourism Grants for Indigenous Business
Primary Category:
251004 - Indigenous Employment and Business
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive


The Tourism Grants for Indigenous Business funding round aims to increase the number of Indigenous-owned tourism products available in the market. This grant round will support Indigenous-owned tourism businesses and Indigenous-owned community organisations to plan for or grow their new/existing tourism businesses within the tourism sector.

Up to $50,000 will be available for Indigenous-owned businesses and up to $100,000 will be available for Indigenous-owned community organisations.


Grant recipients must be a 50 per cent or more Indigenous-owned entity. Up to $50,000 will be available for Indigenous-owned tourism businesses and up to $100,000 will be available for Indigenous-owned community organisations.

Applicants must meet all eligibility criteria outlined in the Tourism Grants for Indigenous Business Opportunity Guidelines.

Up to $50,000 will be available for Indigenous-owned businesses and up to $100,000 will be available for Indigenous-owned community organisations.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Activities funded under the Tourism Grants for Indigenous Business Grants program will not be required to expend funds within 90 days upon execution of the grant agreement. Instead, the requirement will be to expend within 90 days of a day agreed with NIAA that is included in the funding agreement. For example, the grant agreement may be executed in May, but the agreed date may be in August of the same year.

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $1,000.00 to $100,000.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

Applications must be submitted by completing the online application form, available online at:

To access grant documentation, you must create a login for GrantConnect ( and sign in. Signing in also means you will be notified about any changes to the documents or the grant round.

You will receive an electronic Application ID Number once your application has been lodged with the National Indigenous Australians Agency

Other Instructions:

Before lodging an application, you must read and understand the Tourism Grant for Indigenous Business Grant Opportunity Guidelines, located via the GO documents button. You should also read and understand the application form.

Addenda Available: