Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5310
Health Workforce Program: Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program Planning and Prioritisation
Contact Details
Health Grants Team
02 6289 5600
The Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program is a postgraduate vocational training program for medical practitioners wishing to pursue a career in general practice and/or rural and remote medicine in Australia. The AGPT Program is a three to four-year training program that offers 1,500 training places each year. Selection into the AGPT Program is a competitive merit-based process.
The AGPT Program General Practice Workforce Planning and Prioritisation grant will inform distribution targets set in grant agreements with the RACGP and ACCRM for delivery of the AGPT Program. The analysis produced through this activity will be a key input to AGPT Program training placement decisions that balance current and future community need, current and future training capacity, and registrar preferences.
To view the grant opportunity documents, please select the red "GO Documents" button on the left hand side.
To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:
- a company
- a cooperative
- an incorporated association
- a partnership
- Local Government
- an Indigenous corporation
- a Commonwealth company
- a Corporate Commonwealth entity
- a Corporate State/Territory entity
- a non-corporate Commonwealth or State/Territory entity
- a non-corporate Commonwealth or State/Territory Statutory Authority
- a statutory entity
If you are applying as a Trustee on behalf of a Trust , the Trustee must have an eligible entity type as listed above.
Joint (consortium) applications are encouraged and are acceptable as long as you have a lead applicant/organisation (see section 7.2 for further details). The lead organisation must satisfy all of the eligibility criteria.
Submit your application by the closing date and time using the online application form link located via the "GO Documents" button on the left hand side.
Once you have submitted your application using the online application form link you will receive an automatic email with your Submission Reference ID. Retain this number if you wish to query your application with the Department.
Note the 2Mb limit per attachment in the application form. Multiple files/documents should be scanned into a single document. Compressed or zip files are not accepted. File names must be unique and not include foreign characters.
Contact Details
Health Grants Team
02 6289 5600