Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6014
Investigator Grants 2023
Contact Details
NHMRC Research Help Centre
1800 500 983
The objective of NHMRC’s Investigator Grant scheme is to support the research program of outstanding investigators at all career stages. It consolidates salary and research support into a single grant scheme by offering a salary component (if required) and a research support package.
The intended outcomes of the Investigator Grant scheme are:
- flexibility for investigators to pursue important new research directions as they arise and to form collaborations as needed
- innovative and creative research
- opportunities for researchers at all career stages to establish their own research programs
- reduced application and peer review burden on researchers.
Applications will only be accepted from NHMRC-approved Administering Institutions. A list of NHMRC-approved Administering Institutions and NHMRC’s Administering Institution policy are available on NHMRC’s website.
Applications must satisfy all the requirements set out in the Investigator Grants 2023 Guidelines.
Applications must be submitted electronically using NHMRC’s online grants management system (Sapphire) unless otherwise advised by NHMRC.
Minimum data is due by 5:00pm (ACT Local Time), Wednesday 22 February 2023.
Contact Details
NHMRC Research Help Centre
1800 500 983