Current Grant Opportunity View - GO6554
Agency Collaborates (Competitive)
Under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy, the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) considers grant proposals that address a need for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Proposals should be developed with the target community or group who will be impacted by the activity.
Where an unmet need is identified, the NIAA may directly approach multiple suitable organisations to invite them to apply for funding to deliver an activity/service to address this need. Applications will be considered through a competitive process, including comparing applications against each other.
You must be invited to apply for this grant opportunity by the NIAA to be eligible.
Only organisations directly approached by the NIAA are eligible to apply. The NIAA may:
- provide an application form for applicants to complete, or
- request information from the applicant that is needed to assess the organisation against the eligibility and assessment criteria.
Applicants should review the Indigenous Advancement Strategy Agency Collaborates Grant Opportunity Guidelines (competitive) for key information to assist them when applying for a grant.