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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5413

Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians – Grant Opportunity Guidelines for Applicants

Contact Details

Jane Lalor


Department of Education
Close Date & Time:
11-Mar-2022 11:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
191008 - Vocational Education
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


The Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians (the Program) offers scholarships to unemployed youth to undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses, including workplace-based internships with local businesses.

Applications for Round Four of the Program open on Thursday, 27 January 2022. To be eligible to apply, scholars must reside in one of the following 10 regional locations:

• Grafton (NSW)

• Gosford (NSW)

• Wanneroo(WA)

• Armadale(WA)

• Shepparton (VIC)

• Townsville (QLD)

• Maryborough (QLD)

• Port Pirie (SA)

• Burnie (TAS)

• Alice Springs (NT)

Priority is given to the following applicants:

• have exited the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in the previous two years, regardless of age;

• Indigenous young Australians;

• young Australians with a disability; and

• young Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Under the Program, scholars are given the opportunity to complete a VET course from Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level in an Approved Program of Study that leads to an occupation in demand. Scholars participate in industry-based work placements that directly link study to real jobs through completing a 20-business day paid Internship.



To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

• aged 15 to 24 years or recently exited from the ADF regardless of age;

• not in full-time work at the time of applying;

• living in one of the 10 nominated regional areas; and

• applied for an eligible VET qualification at the Certificate III to Advanced Diploma level that leads to an occupation in demand.


Priority is given to the following applicants:

• who have exited the ADF in the previous 2 years,

• Indigenous young Australians

• young Australians with a disability; and

• young Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Scholarships are available for a minimum of six months to a maximum of two years, with the scholarship amount varying based on length of study or training. Where a scholar is undertaking study over a longer period, scholarship funding is strictly available for a maximum of two years only.

Estimated Grant Value (AUD):

From $4,750.00 to $13,500.00

Instructions for Application Submission:

Further information, including eligibility criteria and scholarship requirements, is available in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for Applicants.


The application Round will be open for a period of six weeks, opening on 27 January 2022 and closing at 23:00 AEST on Friday, 11 March 2022.


Information about the Program, including how to apply, can be found at:


To access the Grant Opportunity Guidelines for Applicants, click on the Grant Opportunity (GO) Documents button.


If you have any further questions about this opportunity, you can contact The BUSY Group on 13 BUSY (13 28 79) or email:

Contact Details

Jane Lalor
