Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO7191
Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Program: Science Meets Parliament 2025-27
The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide funding to Science and Technology Australia Limited (STA) to deliver the annual Science Meets Parliament event which provides targeted professional development for scientists in relation to communicating the impacts of their research to policymakers, and provides the Government, Ministers and parliamentarians with exposure to cutting-edge scientific research to inform evidence-based policymaking.
The objective of the grant opportunity is to:
- strengthen the impact of Australian scientific research by informing evidence-based government policy, through fostering understanding and connections between scientists, parliamentarians, and policymakers.
The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:
- achieve effective communication on key science issues, between scientists, the general public and Australian decision makers in business and government
- deepen scientists’ and associated stakeholders’ skills in parliamentary engagement, policymaking, science and media communication
- provide the Government and parliamentarians with exposure to cutting-edge scientific research to underpin their capacity to consider science-related policy issues.
Science and Technology Australia Limited (STA), ABN 71 626 822 845, has been identified as the appropriate recipient because:
- it has a well-established record, having successfully delivered the national Science Meets Parliament event since 1999
- it has the required technical expertise and intellectual property to deliver Science Meets Parliament
- the nature of the grant activity is specifically dependent on the expertise of STA
- it has demonstrated capacity to deliver this event as the largest of its kind in Australia.
Project must be completed by 30 June 2027.
Applications open 30 October 2024.
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