Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO3689
Regional Tourism Bushfire Recovery Grants - Stream 1
The Regional Tourism Bushfire Recovery (RTBR) Grants program is a $10 million program which has been drawn from the Bushfire Recovery Fund. The program is part of the Government’s $76 million tourism recovery package to protect jobs, small businesses and local economies by helping get tourists travelling into bushfire affected regions.
The program has two funding streams which, together, will support events, concerts, festivals and visitor attractions in fire affected regions to assist with recovery efforts and encourage international and domestic visitors to come back to the regions.
Stream 1 - Will support smaller-scale events (including the promotion of these events), concerts, festivals and/or other visitor attractions such as art installations and tourist walks. Applicants may apply for more than one grant in this stream, up to a total value of $30,000 per applicant. Applications will be assessed as they are received.
Applicants are Local Government Authorities and Regional Tourism Organisations operating in Local Government Areas activated by state or territory governments for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) assistance for the 2019-2020 fire season.
From $1.00 to $30,000.00
Eligible applicants have been sent an invitation letter and a link to the application form via email.