Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6418
Mental Health Professionals' Network
This grant opportunity represents Phase 5 of the existing grant program and enables the continuation of MHPN to support the mental health workforce through health practitioner networks, effective and accessible workforce training and networking activities to share knowledge and expertise.
The purpose of this grant opportunity is to facilitate a multi-disciplinary and intra-professional national practitioner platform which supports the community mental health workforce delivering clinical and non-clinical services.
The objectives of the grant opportunity are to:
- support professional multidisciplinary and intra-professional networks and online development programs for health practitioners (including mental health);
- build sustainable infrastructure to support activities under the Strategy and National Agreement; and
- ongoing stakeholder engagement for strategic planning and implementation.
The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are:
- improved access to online professional development program and networking for local practitioner including GPs, psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, occupational therapists and social workers who support people with, or at risk of, mental illness; and
- improved mental health outcomes for the community through increased mental workforce training and support for the primary mental health workforce delivering clinical services.
To view the grant opportunity documents, please select the red "Grant Opportunity Documents" button on the left-hand side.
Legal Name of Organisation; Mental Health Professionals Network Ltd
ABN; 67 131 543 229
MHPN is the only eligible organisation to apply for funding under this grant opportunity. MHPN is an established program with a 14-year history of providing proven benefits to the mental health workforce through the cost-effective delivery of programs that support interdisciplinary peer support, networking opportunities and professional development.
MHPN is a not-for-profit organisation providing effective and accessible workforce training and networking activities that are well-targeted to community health practitioners and special interest groups in the health sector. Over its lifetime, MHPN has built a platform that has the ability to connect with more than 44,000 practitioners from a range of disciplines who have joined the subscriber database. MHPN can disseminate information efficiently and effectively via its outbound communications, website, and social media.
MPHN has strong experience, established structures and governance in place to deliver the activities within the required timeframe once an agreement is executed. Its governance framework comprises of four member organisations: the Royal Australian College of Practitioners, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, the Australian Psychological Society, and the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses. This mechanism has worked well to date for managing MHPN’s project governance responsibilities.
Its ongoing core operations and activities are supported by both the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments in Australia, PHNs and special interest groups in the health sector.
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Phone: 1300 484 145
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- Filename(s) do not exceed 100 characters.
- Any file type can be submitted to GrantConnect.
- Refrain from using special characters. These include, but are not limited to, colon, forward and back slash, question marks, en and em dash.
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