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Current Grant Opportunity View - GO6695

Primary Health Networks (PHN) Program: General Practice Incentive Fund

Contact Details

Health Grants Team


Department of Health and Aged Care
Close Date & Time:
17-Feb-2025 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
231018 - Public Health Services
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Closed Non-Competitive


The General Practice Incentive Fund grant opportunity (the grant opportunity) was announced as a 2023-24 Budget measure, and extended, with additional funding, through the 2024-25 Budget. 

The 2023-24 Budget Strengthening Medicare – Support for Health, Care and Support Services in Thin Markets measure provided:

  • Funding of $16.588 million for FY 2023-24 to extend the GP Incentive Fund allowing allocation of resources through PHNs where market failure occurs, to commission additional services defined in a Service System Recovery Plan developed with local service providers and key stakeholders.

The 2024-25 Budget – Boosting Supply of Healthcare in Areas of Shortage measure provided:

  • an additional $16.588 million for FY 2024-25 to extend the GP Incentive Fund allowing PHNs to continue to commission services defined in a ‘Service System Recovery Plan’ developed with local service providers and key stakeholders.

To view the grant opportunity documents, please select the red "Grant Opportunity Documents" button on the left-hand side.


Who is eligible for a grant?

To be eligible, you must be one of the listed organisation/s outlined in Table 3: Eligible Organisations and have received an invitation to from the department. The list of eligible organisation/s was determined to be limited to PHNs; this is in keeping with the intent of the General Practice Incentive Fund program as announced in the 2023-24 Budget. PHNs are regional organisations that commission and integrate services at the local level to address identified needs and provide support and system level integration for health services to improve coordination of care for patients. 

PHNs are individual, not-for-profit organisations that were selected through an open competitive process in 2014-15.

Who is not eligible for a grant? 

You are not eligible to for this grant opportunity if you:

  • have not received an invitation from the department
  • are not listed as an eligible organisation in section 4.1, and
  • are an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s website on the list of ‘Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme’.
Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

This is a non-application-based process. The eligible organisation/s does not need to submit an application for this grant opportunity.

Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Health Grants Team
