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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO5092

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Program - National Best Practice Support Service for Nicotine and Smoking Cessation

Contact Details

Health Grants Team

02 6289 5600


Department of Health and Aged Care
Close Date & Time:
30-Sep-2021 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
231012 - Health Promotion and Prevention Programs
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Closed Non-Competitive


This grant opportunity contributes to and supports Australia’s international obligations under the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), in particular Article 14 which obliges Parties to develop and disseminate comprehensive, evidence based measures to promote cessation of tobacco use and adequate treatment for tobacco dependence. Further, this grant opportunity supports the implementation of the National Tobacco Strategy (NTS) 2012-2018, and the Australian Government’s target to reduce smoking rates to below 10 per cent by 2025. One of the key priority’s is for the NTS is to provide greater access to a range of evidence-based nicotine and smoking cessation services and supports to help people quit.

Cessation (and the maintenance of cessation) is promoted and supported through multiple channels as a result of Australia’s adoption of effective population-level measures, such as price policies, mass media campaigns, the prohibition of marketing and advertising and smokefree legislation. The implementation of systemic evidence-based smoking cessation care, which has been shown to be effective at reducing the population level smoking, is a missing piece in Australia’s world-leading approach to tobacco control.

The grant opportunity will also support the new temporary nicotine and smoking cessation Medicare Benefits Scheme items which came into effect on 21 July 2021, and the implementation of education and training resources in nicotine and smoking cessation that are currently being developed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA), and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, respectively.


As this is a Closed Non-Competitive grant opportunity only the Cancer Council Victoria. (ABN: 61 426 486 715) is eligible to apply. 

Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

Submit your application to with the email subject line “GO5092 Application” followed by your organisation’s name.

If you do not receive an email (including auto reply) within 48 hours please contact the department on (02) 6289 5600.

Other Instructions:

Please only submit your application in .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx or .pdf format. Applications cannot exceed 20MB. Do not include macros, zip or password protect applications or attachments.

Contact Details

Health Grants Team

02 6289 5600
