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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO358

Native Title Respondent Funding Scheme

Contact Details

Legal Financial Assistance Casework section

02 6141 4770



Attorney-General's Department
Close Date & Time:
18-Jun-2024 11:29 am (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Primary Category:
151004 - Legal Services
Publish Date:
ACT, NSW, VIC, SA, WA, QLD, NT, TAS, Administered Territories
Selection Process:
Demand Driven


The Attorney-General’s Department helps native title respondents with their reasonable legal representation and disbursement costs incurred in native title proceedings.

This assistance is provided under section 213A of the Native Title Act 1993 and the Native Title (Assistance from Attorney-General) Guidelines 2012 which are available in the GO Documents section.

The Legal Financial Assistance Assessment of Costs applies to the NTRFS scheme and is available in the GO Documents section.

Native title respondent funding scheme



The Attorney-General's Department cannot help people facing criminal charges in Australia or with legal matters under state or territory laws. For these matters, contact your local legal aid office.

The Attorney-General's Department will not generally grant funding:

  • to people who can meet their legal costs without incurring serious financial difficulty
  • for costs incurred before an application is made, unless the scheme allows for reimbursement.
Grant Activity Timeframe:

Assessment timeframes

Complete applications will be assessed within 28 days.

Incomplete applications will not be assessed. You will be notified if your application is incomplete.

Seeking a review of a decision

If you disagree with a decision (or any part of it), you may request a review in writing.

If a review is sought, the whole application will be considered by a decision maker who did not make the original decision. The written request must explain why you believe that the decision was wrong and must be received within 28 days of the date of the letter.

For more information on seeking a review please refer to the Decision Review - FAQ's and Request form available in GO Documents section.


Total Amount Available (AUD):


Instructions for Application Submission:

You can apply online or download the application form and email a completed copy to with the required attachments:

The relevant documents in the GO Documents section are:

  • Native Title Respondant Funding Scheme Application

  • Native Title Respondant Funding Scheme Fact Sheet

If you cannot email your application, contact the Financial Assistance Section on:

1800 117 995 (toll free in Australia), or
02 6141 4770 (charges apply).


Other Instructions:


All applications for legal financial assistance are confidential, as explained in the Privacy - Legal Financial Assistance document which is available in the GO Documents section.

Information for lawyers

If assistance is granted for legal representation, the department is to be invoiced directly, by email to

Complete invoices are paid in approximately 28 days.

Incomplete invoices are returned without being assessed.

For more information see the Legal Financial Assistance - Assessment of Costs document in the GO Documents section.


Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Legal Financial Assistance Casework section

02 6141 4770

