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Current Grant Opportunity View - GO7090

Marking (First World War) Private Graves Grants Program

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283


Department of Veterans' Affairs
Close Date & Time:
5-Nov-2024 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
361003 - Veterans
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Demand Driven


The Australian Government is inviting applications via a Demand Driven process to apply to deliver services under Program 3.1 – War Graves under Outcome 3 of the DVA Portfolio Budget Statement 2023 to 2024.

An estimated 331,800 Australian personnel were deployed during the First World War. Approximately 60,000 were killed or are listed as missing in action, leaving some 271,800 service men and women who returned to Australia.

When they passed away, some were buried without a funeral or headstone.

More than 30,000 of these veterans have since had their deaths accepted as related to their war service and have been officially commemorated as post-war dead.

The objective of the program is to contribute to community recognition of the service and sacrifice of service personnel in the First World War who are not eligible for official commemoration by Government. It does this by providing funding to contribute to the cost of establishing a grave marker on currently unmarked private graves.

The intended outcome of the program is to contribute to the work being undertaken by the community to mark private graves of veterans of the First World War so as to enable community recognition of service and to preserve and add to the knowledge of, or provide information about, Australia’s wartime heritage.


To be eligible, you must be one of the following entity types:

  • Company
  • Cooperative
  • Corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Incorporated Association
  • Indigenous Corporation
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
  • Partnership
  • Person
  • Sole Trader
  • Statutory Entity
  • Unincorporated Association.

If you are applying as a Trustee on behalf of a Trust , the Trustee must have an eligible entity type as listed above.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Review of applications - Within 5 weeks from the closing date

Approval of outcomes of selection process - Within 14 weeks from the closing date

Notification to applicants - Within 15 weeks from the closing date

Negotiations and award of grant agreements - Within 19 weeks from the closing date

Earliest start date of grant activity - May 2025

End date of grant activity - 30 November 2025.

Instructions for Application Submission:

Before applying, you must read and understand the Grant Opportunity Guidelines, grant agreement terms and conditions, sample application form and questions and answers.

Please see the 'Grant Opportunity Documents' and 'Submit Application' tabs.

Other Instructions:

Please use:

  • Marking First World War Private Graves Grants Program - Questions and Answers - version 2
Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283
