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Closed Grant Opportunity View - GO6951

Supporting Adolescent Boys Trial

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283


Department of Social Services
Close Date & Time:
24-Jun-2024 9:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
Primary Category:
131007 - Youth Services
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Targeted or Restricted Competitive


The Australian Government is inviting organisations via a restricted process to apply to deliver services under the Program 2.1 - Families and Communities – Family Safety – Supporting Adolescent Boys Trial from late 2024 to June 2027. During this period, grant recipients will provide individual counselling and therapeutic support to eligible young men and boys aged 12 to 18 years at selected trial sites across Australia.

The objective of the Trial is to test a therapeutic individual support service that is trauma and healing informed for young men and adolescent boys to:

1. support participants’ recovery and healing from their experience of family and domestic violence

2. help participants to avoid choosing to use FDSV

3. build the evidence base on effective support service approaches to supporting young men and boys exposed to family and domestic violence to reduce the risk of them using FDSV.

An independent evaluation of services delivered under the Trial will be conducted through a separate arrangement.

More information about the Program 2.1 - Families and Communities – Supporting Adolescent Boys Trial, as well as requirements for applicants can be found in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Other grant opportunity documents are only accessible by invited applicants on the GrantConnect website.


To be eligible you must be one of the listed invited organisations at Appendix A of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and have received an invitation to apply through GrantConnect. No further organisations will be invited to apply.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Assessment of applications - 4 weeks 

Approval of outcomes of selection process - 4 weeks

Negotiations and award of grant agreements - Up to 6 weeks

Notification to applicants - 2 weeks 

Earliest start date of grant activity - November 2024

End date of grant activity - 30 June 2027

Instructions for Application Submission:

By invitation only.

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283
