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Forecast Opportunity View - 2020-4540

Children and Family Intensive Support – Upcoming Grant Opportunity

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Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

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Department of Social Services
Program Name:
Children and Family Intensive Support (CaFIS)

The Department of Social Services will invite selected organisations to apply via a restricted competitive process to deliver Children and Family Intensive Support (CaFIS) in the Northern Territory and Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, South Australia. Grants will be offered for five years and are scheduled to begin in July 2021.

Previously known as the Intensive Family Support Service (IFSS), the redesigned program has been renamed and informed by a recent evaluation of IFSS.

The objective of the CaFIS grant opportunity is to support vulnerable children and families so that these children are growing up strong in families and communities that are safe and nurturing and address areas of concern that impact on children’s safety and wellbeing. Services should be culturally responsive, trauma informed and child centred. Activities could include:

• Assessment and engagement

• Case management and referral

• Goal setting with the family

• Parenting skills development

• Support work with children and family members

• Group activities

• Activities that strengthen connection to culture

• Family and household meetings and activities to support and sustain change.

CaFIS will provide services that build on the strengths of families and communities to care for children in their culture.

Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2021
Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO4616 Children and Family Intensive Support  |  Closed

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

Email Address: