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Forecast Opportunity View - FO2024-2931

Future Drought Fund Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Program Round 2

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Program Name:
Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Program Round 2

The Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Program Round 2 will investigate innovative farming practices, technologies and/or approaches through evidence-based trials to inform farmers, drive adoption, and foster transformational change to build drought and climate resilience.

The Program has an expanded list of eligible agricultural industries including cereal, other broadacre crops, horticulture crops and livestock.

Projects must demonstrate through scientific and statistically validated trials the effectiveness of practices, technologies and/or approaches.

Drought and climate resilience will be increased by projects that enable farmers to:

  • be prepared for and respond to drought
  • experiment with the adoption of practices, technologies and/or approaches that build drought and climate resilience
  • establish and strengthen networks to improve knowledge sharing

$40.3 million is available through an open competitive grant process for projects between $3 million to $8 million. Activities must be undertaken over 6 years from 2024–25 until 2029–30.

Applications must include a consortium of partners, with a lead organisation nominated as the ‘applicant’. Co-design and farmer involvement is required.

This grant opportunity is expected to be open for up to 8 weeks. A pre-recorded information webinar will be delivered in early October for prospective applicants.

Program details may change with the published grant opportunity.

Estimated Period of Release:
July to December 2024
Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO7165 Future Drought Fund Long Term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Round 2  |  Current

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

Email Address: