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Forecast Opportunity View - P4311

PHN Homelessness Access Program

Contact Details

Health Grants Team

Email Address:

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Department of Health and Aged Care
Program Name:
Primary Health Care Quality and Coordination

The purpose of the grant opportunity is to provide Primary Health Networks (PHNs) with grant funding to support primary health care access for people experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness. The grant funding must address gaps in primary health service arrangements, barriers to accessing these services, health impacts of homelessness and improve service integration within their PHN regions.

This Forecast Opportunity provides information relating to a possible upcoming grant opportunities, likely to be available during the below Estimated Period of Release. Any details relating to this Forecast Opportunity may change with the published Grant Opportunity.

As Published
Estimated Period of Release:
July to December 2023
FO Documents:

P4311 - DRAFT Grant Opportunity Guidelines
pdf P4311 - DRAFT Grant Opportunity Guidelines.pdf 245 KB

P4311 - DRAFT Application Form
pdf P4311 - DRAFT Application Form.pdf 366 KB

Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO6338 PHN Homelessness Access Program  |  Closed

Contact Details

Health Grants Team

Email Address: