Forecast Opportunity View - MRFF 2023 NCRI
MRFF 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure Grant Opportunity
The 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure initiative invests in research infrastructure to ensure Australian researchers find innovative solutions to complex health problems in areas of unmet medical need. This grant opportunity has four streams:
Stream 1 – Innovation enablers
Development and implementation of new research methodologies or applications including omics’-led approaches and enhanced infrastructure linkage strategies.
Stream 2 – Digitisation of health care
Translates or implements innovative artificial intelligence technologies into health applications.
Stream 3 – Co-investment partnerships
Utilising co-investment (cash only) with the research sector, state and/or territory governments, and industry, to establish and extend significant critical research infrastructure (e.g. facilities, personnel and equipment).
Stream 4 – mRNA technology enablers
Leverage and enhance emerging mRNA technologies, platforms, and/or equipment to accelerate development of mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics.
The intended outcome of the research funded is to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians by enhancing Australia’s research infrastructure.
Grant opportunity guidelines
MRFF 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure Grant opportunity guidelines PDF.pdf 508 KB
Grant opportunity guidelines
MRFF 2023 National Critical Research Infrastructure Grant opportunity guidelines DOCX.docx 1.9 MB