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Forecast Opportunity View - MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research

MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research Grant Opportunity

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MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research
Department of Health and Aged Care
Program Name:
MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research Grant Opportunity

This grant opportunity offers funding to support medical research and medical innovation programs of research that deliver a ‘moonshot’ by creating a treatment for a currently serious and incurable health condition, through a series of linked projects. The program of research can propose to develop novel health technologies and/or re-purpose existing health technologies in a novel way.

The process to get funding has 2 stages:

  • expression of interest – outlining a proposed program of research with a 10-year time horizon
  • full application, for a project of up to 5 years under the program of research.

Full applications may be submitted by invitation only. Applicants may propose to start research at any stage in the research pipeline from proof-of-concept, with the intention of achieving full implementation of the proposed technology in 10 years.

Funding for subsequent projects under the program of research that continue to progress the technology towards full implementation can be sought by submitting additional full applications to this grant opportunity (i.e. applicants do not need to recommence with an EOI). These applications may be submitted by invitation only.

We expect that expressions of interest will close on 31 March 2026, with the last grants awarded by 30 June 2027.

Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2023
Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO5855 MRFF 2022 Frontier Health and Medical Research Grant Opportunity  |  Current

Contact Details

Business Grants Hub


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