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Forecast Opportunity View - FOCCCF - 2021-7220

Community Child Care Fund – Establishing Child Care in Limited Supply Areas

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1800 020 283

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FOCCCF - 2021-7220

Original: FOCCCF22

Department of Education
Program Name:
Community Child Care Fund (CCCF)

The Australian Government has made available grant funding of up to $18 million (GST excl) over 2 years from 2023–24 to 2024–25 as part of the Stronger Regional Futures package.

Grants are available to CCS approved early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers that meet the eligibility criteria.

Establishment and Capital support funding will be available to assist in establishing up to 20 new child care services in disadvantaged regional and remote areas of Australia where there is an absence, or limited supply, of Centre Based Day Care or Family Day Care services, and will:

  • establish new early childhood services in disadvantaged regional or remote communities where there is a gap in the supply of approved services
  • support newly established services to operate sustainably, engage local workforce, and address community barriers to participation in ECEC
  • increase the number of children from disadvantaged regional and remote areas accessing ECEC
  • increase availability of approved ECEC in disadvantaged regional and remote communities with high unmet demand through capital works projects.

Note that applications for capital support will be best supported by indicative quotes from a licensed builder.

Further information, including the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and application form, will be available in the first half of 2023 on the Community Grants Hub website.

Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2023

Original: July to December 2022

Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO6229 Community Child Care Fund - Establishing Child Care in Limited Supply Areas  |  Closed

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

Email Address: