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Forecast Opportunity View - E-NMRP-SAJ-01

Support for Australian Journalism

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Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Program Name:
News Media Relief Program


The News Media Relief Program will support the sustainability of Australian news publishers in the face of significant disruptions to the digital media sector, under the News Media Assistance Program (News MAP).


The Program will focus on retaining journalists who produce news content in the public interest of their communities. This funding will contribute to an organisation’s salary costs for these journalists. Eligible news organisations must make their news content available online.


News publications eligible for the grant include:

  • Publications in a regional or suburban location


  •   Publications providing news to First Nations or Culturally & Linguistically Diverse audiences


To support their application, applicants will need to provide:

  • evidence for the number of journalists employed
  • core news content examples produced by each journalist
  • a link to the public digital distribution site for news content (e.g. website)


$15 million is available under a demand driven process for grants of $13,000 per journalist FTE employed to produce core news content. Funding must be expended in the 2024-25 financial year.


This grant opportunity will close once funding has been exhausted in a first come, first served system. If funding is not exhausted, the grant period will remain open for up to 8 weeks.



Estimated Period of Release:
July to December 2024

Contact Details

News & Journalism

Email Address: