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Forecast Opportunity View - SEE_52 FND2024

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Stream 2 - First Nations Delivery (Scoping and Delivery Grants)

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Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

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SEE_52 FND2024
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Program Name:
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program Stream 2 - First Nations Delivery

The SEE Program Stream 2 – First Nations Delivery is specifically designed for First Nations people and community organisations. This future grant opportunity will be available for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) – who will partner with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) or Adult Community Education (ACE) providers to deliver co-designed English language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) training.

There are 2 grants available: 
- SEE Program Stream 2 – First Nations Scoping Grants (Scoping Grants) - Small grants of up to $50,000 (GST exclusive) to help eligible organisations develop a SEE Program Stream 2 – First Nations Delivery grant application. 
- SEE Program Stream 2 – First Nations Delivery Grants (Delivery Grants) - Grants to eligible organisations to co-design and deliver LLND skills training to First Nations people across Australia. This is the major SEE Program Stream 2 component.  

The Australian Government has allocated $46 million (excluding GST) for SEE Program Stream 2 – First Nations Scoping and Delivery Grants across the first 3 years of operation, including up to $10 million (excluding GST) total in grant funding in the first year (1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025).

Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2024
FO Documents:

DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2 - Delivery
doc DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2 - Delivery.docx 480 KB

DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2- Scoping
doc DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2- Scoping.docx 501 KB

DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2 - First Nations Scoping Grant Opportunity Guidelines
pdf DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2 - First Nations Scoping Grant Opportunity Guidelines.pdf 876 KB

DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2 -First Nations Delivery Grant Opportunity Guidelines
pdf DRAFT SEE Program Stream 2 -First Nations Delivery Grant Opportunity Guidelines.pdf 720 KB

Contact Details

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Email Address: