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Forecast Opportunity View - P4758

Cancer Patient Support Program

Contact Details

Health Grants Team

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Department of Health and Aged Care
Program Name:
Program 1.5: Preventative Health and Chronic Disease, Priority 22: Cancer Screening and Management Services

The Australian Government has committed up to $16.5 million until 2026-27 for the Cancer Patient Support Program (the program).

The program aims to fund initiatives and projects that provide national leadership on emerging priorities that will provide for equitable support and resources across the cancer control continuum to improve cancer outcomes for all Australians, and support patients better navigate their cancer journey. 

Eligible grant activities

  • activities directed at improving services through the education and training of medical professionals and/or patients;
  • activities that contribute to improving awareness, prevention, detection, treatment, and living with and beyond cancer, (this could include development of decision-making tools and resources that help consumers better navigate the cancer patient journey, such as awareness campaigns, national roadmaps and guidelines, optimal care pathways and support and wellbeing forums); and
  • activities which provide services and resources to cancer patients or disseminate cancer related information, via the internet, television, radio, or telephone.

For more information on eligible activities please refer to Grant Opportunities Guidelines Section 4.

This Forecast Opportunity provides information relating to a possible upcoming grant opportunity, likely to be available during the below Estimated Period of Release. Any details relating to this Forecast Opportunity may change with the published Grant Opportunity.

As Published
Estimated Period of Release:
January to June 2024
FO Documents:

DRAFT - P4758 - Cancer Patient Support Program - Grant Opportunity Guidelines
pdf DRAFT - P4758 - Cancer Patient Support Program - Grant Opportunity Guidelines.pdf 454 KB

Linked Grant Opportunities:

GO6736 Cancer Patient Care Program  |  Current

Contact Details

Health Grants Team

Email Address: