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Forecast Opportunity View - FOSFSG21

FINAL ROUND Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities

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1800 020 283

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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Program Name:
Smart Farms Small Grants, National Landcare Program

In 2017 the Australian Government allocated $136 million to the Smart Farms program. 

Smart Farms Small Grants has 2 program outcomes that are to be achieved through the activities funded:

  • Outcome 1 – Increased adoption of best practice sustainable agriculture.
  • Outcome 2 – Increase the capacity of land managers to adopt best practice sustainable agriculture.

The objective of the Smart Farms Small Grants: Soil Extension Activities grants round is to promote the Pilot Soil Incentives Program (under the National Soil Strategy), supporting farmer participation in the program through activities that will aim to improve the understanding of soil data and educate farmers to act on results with evidence-based measures.  

The Australian Government has committed to a $214.9 million soil package of which $196.9 million is new funding through the 2021–22 Budget over 4 years to implement the National Soil Strategy.

The grant round will support soil extension activities that contribute to achieving the program outcomes outlined in the Grant Opportunity Guidelines. These activities will be supported by a National Community of Practice. 

Available grants are over 2 years for a minimum of $100,000 or a maximum of $250,000.


Estimated Period of Release:
July to December 2021

Contact Details

Community Grants Hub

1800 020 283

Email Address: