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Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO86

NDIS Partners in the Community Program Grant Round Two

Contact Details

Partner Engagement Team


National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
Close Date & Time:
5-May-2017 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Internal Reference ID:
PITC Program Round Two
Primary Category:
171000 - Disability
Publish Date:
Selection Process:
Open Competitive


The National Disability Insurance Scheme Launch Transition Agency (NDIA) invites organisations to apply for funding under the NDIS Partners in the Community Program (PITC Program) Grant Round Two. The NDIA is seeking Partners to deliver: 

·         Local Area Coordination Services (LAC Services); and/or 

·         Early Childhood Early Intervention Services (ECEI Services). 

This Grant Round relates to Service Areas that are due to transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (the Scheme) before 1 July 2018. The Service Areas included in this Grant Round and their Phasing Dates are detailed in the Grant Round Summary and in the Statement of Requirements (SOR). 

The objective of the PITC Program is to: 

·         Enable the NDIS to be implemented at a local community level. The NDIA is looking to partner with suitably experienced and qualified organisations, with strong local knowledge and understanding of the needs of people with disability or developmental delay. 

·         Set up partnerships to build on existing relationships, voluntary and community action enabling people with disability to gain the benefits of community membership. These benefits include maintaining or gaining employment and participating in everyday activities and community life in natural settings.


LAC Services  Eligibility
An Applicant for LAC Services must not:
•be a Registered Provider of Supports as defined under section 9 of the NDIS Act at the time of executing a Grant Agreement with the NDIA; or
•be a Related Body Corporate (as defined under section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) of a Registered Provider of Supports at the time of executing a Grant Agreement with the NDIA; or
•have another entity or person in a position to exercise influence over the Applicant who is related to a Registered Provider of Supports at the time of executing a Grant Agreement with the NDIA.

ECEI Services  Eligibility
An Applicant applying to deliver ECEI Services may be a Registered Provider of Supports, or may propose a subcontractor to deliver ECEI Services which is a Registered Provider of Supports, where the Applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the Agency that exceptional circumstances exist. Details on exceptional circumstances can be found in the Grant Round Summary.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

 Funding is offered between the Activity Start Date and 30 June 2020.


Instructions for Application Submission:

Applications are to be submitted to Applicants will receive email notification within 48 hours of an application being lodged.

Addenda Available:

Contact Details

Partner Engagement Team
