Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO3097
Environment Restoration Fund – 2019 grant opportunity
The objective of the program is to support on-ground environmental restoration and protection projects across the following three priority areas:
- protecting threatened and migratory species and their habitat
- protecting Australia’s coasts, oceans and waterways
- clean-up, recovery and recycling of waste.
The identified projects and maximum grant amount for each project is provided at Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines.
The grant amount will be 100 per cent of eligible project costs.
You must complete your project by 31 March 2023 or as identified at Appendix A of the guidelines, whichever is sooner.
To be eligible your organisation must:
- be identified in Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines
- be invited to apply for a grant
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
We can only accept applications:
- where you can provide evidence from your board (or chief executive officer, general manager or equivalent if there is no board) that the project is supported, and that you can complete the project and meet the costs of the project not covered by grant funding.
To be eligible your project must:
- be consistent with the relevant project description provided in Appendix A of the grant opportunity guidelines
- be aligned to one or more of the intended program objectives
- include activities and expenditure consistent with the project description
- support on-ground environmental restoration and protection across one of the three priority areas.
To apply go to: provides information and advice to customers via a range of channels including phone (13 28 46), email and web chat. Contact us for assistance.